I had a great show in Los Angeles.
On the way there, another dramatic drive.
The show was at Human Resources, a gallery in Chinatown.
The first act, So Many Wizards, and I played out back, under an awning like a beautiful carport.
So Many Wizards
After that the show moved indoors, where Monstruo and then Moses Campbell played inside the empty white gallery.
Monstruo was very, very good. They said they didn't have a recording yet. I hope that changes soon.
Moses Campbell played last. They put this show together as they were curating shows this month for Echo Curio, where the show was supposed to have take place. Unfortunately, Echo Curio was just shut down from having shows. Sad! But, we were glad we got to meet the guys who put on shows at Human Resources, and the show there was wonderful. Eric Kim put us up for the night, great guy.
Moses Campbell was energetic and fun. They roamed through the space as they played. These guys reminded me a bit of Noah Sterba and the Cocktails, whom I played with at the Slowdown in Omaha on this tour.
Now we're driving through the mountains north of LA, and passing vineyards and apricot groves.
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